Why Checkups & Cleanings Are Important
With prevention and education being the main focuses of your routine dental care, checkup and cleaning appointments are especially important to your long-term oral health. During your preventive appointments, we can help you protect your smile in two important ways: by cleaning away harmful plaque and calculus (tartar), and by thoroughly checking for early signs of issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and more. For example, we can utilize the advanced DIAGNOdent early detection system, which scans teeth to highlight weak, vulnerable areas of tooth enamel. DIAGNOdent significantly boosts your smile’s defense against cavities by making it easier for a dentist to spot them in their earliest stages.
Advanced Early Detection and Diagnoses
To perform a checkup, your dentist will thoroughly inspect your teeth, gums, and oral tissues visually, looking for signs that could warn of dental disease. Your checkup may also involve taking digital X-rays for a clearer picture of your oral health or to more accurately diagnose a dental concern. Digital X-rays can also be more conveniently uploaded to ensure that your dental records stay up-to-date. Along with your dental exam, your dentist will also perform a comprehensive oral cancer screening to check for abnormalities such as sores, lesions, bumps, ulcers, and more, and determine if you should visit an oral health specialist.
Call Us to Make Your Next Appointment
Checkups and cleanings help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful, but only if you stick to a consistent schedule of visits to your dentist. To schedule your next appointment, call Peddicord Family Dentistry in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 963-3339. We also proudly serve patients of all ages from Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, Cambridge, and all surrounding communities.