FOMO And Your Smile!

There are so many abbreviations these days that it can be hard to keep up with them! If you have not yet heard of FOMO, now is the time to get on board and understand this abbreviation. It stands for “fear of missing out.” Think about what that might mean! For instance, do you ever worry that if you don’t attend a party that a lot of your friends are attending, you will miss out on something amazing? Are you concerned that you’re dedicating a lot of time to one aspect of your life and that you’ll miss out on another? We encourage you to apply the idea of FOMO to your dental care, so you can make necessary changes that will let you participate in things you may be avoiding!


Dental Care: Things The Future You Will Be So Thankful For

If you reflect on the significance of your dental care, you know that it’s important. You know that it will help you avoid a cavity that will then require a filling in the coming months. However, have you ever sat down to really think about the future you? No, not the one that will be seeing us for your next dental checkup and cleaning. Instead, our Ankeny, IA team means the future you that will be looking back on this moment in a decade or even multiple decades. When you consider the gifts you can provide through your smile care that the you in the future will be so thankful for, it can offer you a very helpful dose of reality and motivation for the here and now!


Bad Breath And What You Should Do Right Away

What’s causing your it-just-won’t-go-away bad breath, you wonder? You’re not talking about the type of yucky mouth odor that stems from having eaten a meal packed with extraordinarily odoriferous foods. Nope, you’re talking about something else: It’s chronic, it’s not pleasant, and you’re not sure why it’s there, what to do about it, or if it will ever go away. Our Ankeny, IA team knows that in the moment, this can feel super stressful. However, hope is on the horizon, so take some simple steps immediately to resolve the issue.


Bleeding Gums, What To Think, What To Do

When your gums bleed, there are different things that this might mean. On one hand, as you expect, this could mean that you are dealing with a gum health problem. On the other hand, our Ankeny, IA team reminds you that could have just accidentally cut a tiny bit of your gum tissue, leading to very light bleeding. So, what’s what? How to know and what to do, you begin asking yourself? We suggest you follow our very basic and easy-to-follow breakdown regarding what’s going on and how to proceed with keeping your oral health nice and safe!


Preventive Care Broken Down Into Days, Hours, Minutes

Curious about the day-to-day details of preventive care? Maybe you’ve often wondered how many hours or minutes of your life you are spending brushing, flossing, and seeing us for dental checkups and cleanings. While you may think it amounts to quite a lot, you may be shocked to learn that, mathematically speaking, it comes out to practically no time at all, though the benefits are exceptional. Find out more regarding this unique perspective from our Ankeny, IA team!


Preventive Dentistry: Checking Off All The Boxes

Are you certain about how to “check off all the boxes” when it comes to ensuring you’re doing right by your preventive dentistry? Do you really know about all that we offer for you and your family as far as prevention is concerned or do you have more of just a general idea regarding what you can expect? If you’re feeling like you could use a reminder, a full refresh, etc., let our Ankeny, IA team take you on a brief yet helpful journey through the details.


Are You Grinding Your Teeth a Little Too Much?

Grinding your teeth every once in a while isn’t usually something to be concerned about. When healthy, your teeth are highly resilient, and the pressure may not cause any damage. However, when you grind your teeth too much (known as bruxism), the result can be a wide range of issues including damage to your teeth, heightened sensitivity, and increased risks of several other concerns. If you’re grinding your teeth too much, then we may be able to customize a protective oral appliance at our Ankeny, IA, dental office to help you protect your smile from the consequences. (more…)

Correcting Smile Flaws Can Help You Boost Your Confidence

Is your dissatisfaction with your smile interfering with your life? How often do you find yourself hiding your teeth in group photos, or when talking to someone new? Even if they cause no problems for your oral health, common superficial tooth flaws can be a real problem for your emotional well-being. Fortunately, cosmetic dental procedures make it possible to improve on the way you look! Your Ankeny, IA dentist can talk to you about your different treatment options – with the right procedure, you can improve your smile dramatically. Lifelike, customized materials can provide improvements that appear natural, so new acquaintances can have no idea you underwent treatment. (more…)

Let’s Talk Holiday Treats And Smile Protection

It’s that special, twinkling, chilly, lovely time of year again: The winter holidays have officially arrived! To you and yours, this means lots of fun, food, friends, family, and just about everything that puts a smile on your face. To our Ankeny, IA team? It means finding a way to help you protect that smile you’ll be using so much, so you find yourself with optimal oral health (Translation: A grin that’s still perfectly intact, healthy, and glowing come January and beyond). We offer up some pointers to help you get there with ease!


Prevention In The New Year: Helping You Feel Motivated!

If you are like many patients, one of the things you’d like to get motivated for in the new year is your smile! You want to know that you’re doing your best with preventive care but that doesn’t mean you really know how to motivate yourself. Guess what? Our Ankeny, IA team happens to be a dream team when it comes to inspiring our patients, so let us help you out!
