Bonding can be both a restorative procedure (to restore a damaged tooth) and a cosmetic procedure, to enhance the look of your smile. Cosmetic bonding can help reshape a tooth that is too small, and it can close some gaps between teeth. Cosmetic bonding can also correct the color of a stained tooth, where surface whitening will not help. The bonding process can take place in a single appointment. Custom-tinted resin is applied to the troublesome area, and then hardened and polished to blend in with the surrounding tooth enamel.
Some cosmetic tooth concerns respond better to a contouring process. In this case, a thin layer of enamel can be removed, to reshape a tooth, smooth rough surfaces, or blend away a minor chip. We will always remove the smallest amount possible, while still achieving the desired smile result.
In some cases, we may suggest both bonding and contouring to help achieve a symmetrical and attractive smile. There are also options such as placing porcelain veneers, that offer smile enhancement options.
You don’t have to live with a smile that makes your feel awkward or self conscious. Bonding and contouring are just two of the smile solutions we offer. To learn more, schedule an appointment by calling Peddicord Family Dentistry in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 963-3339. We proudly serve patients of all ages who live in Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, Cambridge, and all surrounding communities.
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