Category: General Dentistry

8 Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay & Gum Disease

The best way to prevent dental disease is to take good care of your teeth and gums on a daily basis. Good oral hygiene habits are easy, accessible and affordable, so there’s no excuse to skip at-home dental care. You don’t need complicated equipment or special skills to brush and floss your teeth, two habits… Read more »

No! Don’t Take My Tooth!

Today there are a myriad of dental treatments for all problems imaginable, but regardless, sometimes you may still require a tooth extraction. Some people would rather opt for an extraction because it seems easier and cheaper than having a root canal or other treatment. Then there are those that do not want to lose their… Read more »

Bruxa, bruxa, bruxa?

Do you remember the silly jingle from the movie Grease? Brusha, brusha, brusha, use the new Ipana, or something along those lines. Well, here is a new jingle for you: Bruxa, bruxa, bruxa, use a mouth guard! Of course brushing is good for your teeth but bruxing is not. Take our multiple choice quiz below… Read more »

Compelling Reasons To Schedule Dental Cleanings

Surely, you can think of a very long list of exciting ways to spend your time and getting your teeth cleaned is probably not one of them. While we understand it may not be your favorite way to spend a small portion of your day, we think you may feel a bit more enthusiastic about… Read more »

Preventive Dentistry: Test Your Knowledge

You may feel like you have spent your entire life hearing about the importance of preventive dentistry. In fact, you probably feel pretty certain that when we suggest you visit us once every six months for a preventive visit that we are doing you a major favor. However, because you may not fully know why… Read more »

Buff Away Imperfections With Tooth Contouring

Does your smile not quite live up to your cosmetic expectations? Would you feel much better about the appearance of your smile if you could remove a bit of tissue here and a bit more there? If so, tooth contouring may offer you the gentle tissue reduction you need for a beautiful smile transformation. For… Read more »

Taking Cosmetic Dentistry to the Extreme

Opting for temporarily bejeweling your teeth might seem like a harmless form of self-expression. The problem is, while there are some dentists who offer jewel adhesion to teeth with FDA-approved glue, do-it-yourself kits exist that can lead to a host of tooth damage. No matter how a jewel is applied, the American Dental Association (ADA)… Read more »

Dental Pros and Cons of Cranberries this Thanksgiving

If you’re a planner, you may already be making your list for your holiday menus. Sugary, cavity-inducing treats will soon be brought into work on a daily basis. Doubtless, sugar should be avoided if you’re thinking about your oral and overall health. There are some holiday favorites that have been shown in studies to have… Read more »

Toothbrushes: Electric vs Manual

There are several indications that the use of electric toothbrushes is on the rise. One toothbrush manufacturer claims they’ve doubled sales of electric toothbrushes since 1998. Retail shelf space for electric toothbrushes has increased. Many young children prefer electric toothbrushes because they think they are fun to use, and that they “tickle.” But are there… Read more »

Dental Facts For Sixty And Above

As a child, you may have feared losing your teeth when you aged, and having to wear dentures like your grandparents. That’s because people believed that tooth loss was part of aging. This is a common misconception. Tooth loss is actually the result of periodontal disease. Our teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and… Read more »