You will not require any numbing because we use gentle techniques. First, we will carefully yet thoroughly remove the plaque from your tooth surfaces and from beneath your gumline with professional dental instruments. We will then polish your teeth for a shining, refreshed smile.
The main cause of tooth decay is plaque that remains on your teeth. It quickly hardens and erodes your tooth tissue. Plaque is full of bacteria that release acids while in your mouth. After enough softening from these acids, your tooth tissue will collapse, resulting in a cavity. Allow us to remove plaque and you greatly increase your ability to avoid tooth decay and fillings.
About that plaque and those acids – when plaque rests beneath your gumline, these substances result in inflammation. When neglected, they may lead to swelling and infection, also known as gum disease. By visiting us for plaque removal during your dental cleaning, you also protect yourself against periodontal problems.
If you are brushing and flossing every day but you have not allowed us to remove the plaque you cannot address on your own, you are not providing yourself the best foundation for effective home care. Combine home efforts with dental cleanings and you will find your attempts much more efficient and worthwhile.
Dr. Peddicord offers a complete range of preventative, cosmetic, and restorative dental procedures as well as high quality dental prosthetics. Dr. Peddicord can answer your inquiries, and provide the services you need to maintain the health, beauty, and function of your teeth. To schedule an appointment at Peddicord Family Dentistry, please contact us at 515-963-3339. Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office proudly provides general and cosmetic dentistry services to patients from Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, and Cambridge.
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