The internet is not always a reliable place. Looking for curtains for your guest room? Good. Use the internet. Wondering why your tooth hurts? Skip the internet! You might find a lot of misleading information that can guide you down a path heading away from the information you need. Yes, some is reliable. Unfortunately, a lot of what you find will be unreliable!
Our website is a source you can trust for all things oral health and dental care related. You can take a “tour” of our office, read reviews, and even take a look through our many service pages to learn more about your care options.
If you take to the web, you’re taking a risk! When it comes to learning more about which types of treatments you qualify for, what’s wrong with your oral health, and receiving the care you need, the only resource you should be accessing is: Us! Your professional dental care team will be happy to help and offer accurate information and care. Just call!
If you need to speak with us, all you have to do is call. We will be happy to answer questions and set up a time and date for a visit. Find out if you’re making good choices by scheduling a visit with your Ankeny, IA dentist today! Contact Peddicord Family Dentistry to set up an appointment by calling 515-963-3339.
Peddicord Family Dentistry is now OPEN and we have resumed seeing patients during our regular…
While we all need checkups and cleanings to keep smiles strong and healthy, you also…
A dental implant offers a replacement for your tooth roots that helps ensure a long-lasting…
As children, we understood that it was natural to lose our baby teeth and develop…
If you lose most of your teeth, or even all of them, there is still…
What if you have tooth loss too severe for a bridge, but not major enough…