When you think you are going to want porcelain veneers, the first step toward treatment is going to be a consultation. This doesn’t mean that you’re agreeing to the veneers or anything more than the following: You’ll learn about them, we’ll learn about your smile and your hopes, and we’ll furnish you with a plan.
Your porcelain veneers dramatically overhaul the appearance of your smile in only two to three visits in most cases. While this is surprisingly convenient, it still requires your time. As a result, we encourage you to move ahead with veneers during a time that works for you. Check your calendar and make sure you’ll be able to come in for a consultation, impressions, and placement, so it’s a streamlined treatment.
Recognize that in order to end up with the best fit possible, you might need to agree to the gentle buffing away of an exceptionally small amount of tissue. It will only affect the outer portion of your tooth (the layer called enamel). Then, it’s smooth sailing!
Want porcelain veneers but you’re not entirely sure how to begin the process? Schedule a consultation to get started. Find out if you’re making good choices by scheduling a visit with your Ankeny, IA dentist today! Contact Peddicord Family Dentistry to set up an appointment by calling 515-963-3339.
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