Stop Wishing and Start Completing Your Smile

Prosthetic Dentistry for Holiday SmilesWhile your grandkids are busy making their perfect Christmas lists, you’re probably just excited to spend a little extra time with them this holiday season. But if that extra time will be filled with insecurity because of a missing tooth, it’s time to tackle your own, adult Christmas list. Lucky for you, it doesn’t require making it onto Santa’s “Nice” list, either. You just need to schedule an appointment with your prosthetic dentist, who can help restore your smile and your cheerful holiday spirit, through the use of a denture, dental bridge or dental implant.

Which Treatment Is Best for You?

While dentures remain one of the most popular forms of prosthetic dentistry, because they can quickly and comfortably complete smiles, they’re no longer the only option. Dental bridges are an excellent alternative for patients missing only one or a few teeth, and who want a beautiful and stable way to complete their smiles.

By anchoring a replacement tooth, such as a pontic or partial denture, with two dental crowns affixed to adjacent teeth, a bridge does exactly as its name implies and bridges the gap created when you lost a tooth. The resulting treatment is secure and inconspicuous.

However, if you are willing to commit more time to treatment in order to have a permanent way of addressing tooth loss, a dental implant could be ideal. Implants rely on surgically inserted titanium posts to stabilize a replacement tooth. The post is biocompatible, which allows the tissue to grow around it adding even further stability, which is why many dentists and patients prefer implants when the jaw is strong enough to support them.

Determining which prosthetic is best for you will depend on a number of variables, such as where the missing tooth was located, how healthy your jaw and gum tissue is, your budget and other factors. A restorative dentist can help you decide which is best for your situation and smile!