Categories: Tooth Loss

Tooth Loss Prevention Quiz

When you think about tooth loss, what do you envision? Do you imagine this is something that just happens and that is out of your control entirely? Do you assume it is something that only happens as the result of extremely significant injury to a tooth? When we speak with patients about this topic, we often discover that they are not really sure how to prevent the loss of teeth or why it occurs. Do you think you have a good understanding? Find out with a quiz!

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: You are most likely going to lose teeth when you’re in your elder years – as you age, losing teeth is just a natural part of life.
  2. True or False: Only decay can cause you to experience tooth loss – gum disease will not play a role in the health of your tooth itself.
  3. True or False: Losing teeth is always hygiene related. It’s never something that occurs as the result of an accidental trauma.

Quiz Answer Key

  1. False. This is not the case at all. Age is not a specific factor in whether or not you keep your teeth. The health of your teeth is the factor that is most important. If you care for your teeth, your smile will remain healthy indefinitely, which means tooth loss is not likely to occur.
  2. False. Anything that is destructive to your oral health can generally contribute to the loss of your teeth. From decay or infection to periodontal disease, damaged structures can no longer support your teeth.
  3. False. Beyond decay, infection, and other hygiene-related issues, you can lose a tooth simply as the result of an accidental impact during a sporting event – it’s not always a matter of oral health.
Dr. Peddicord

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Dr. Peddicord

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