Bruxism describes the consistent grinding of one’s teeth, and its causes are more diverse than its symptoms. While tooth decay and gum disease can be traced back to specific types of oral bacteria, patients can develop bruxism for completely different reasons. One case may be due to a bite imbalance that makes it impossible for teeth and oral structures to rest properly. Another may be the result of prolonged tension in the jaw muscles due to excessive levels of stress, along with one or more other underlying factors. What all bruxism patients have in common, however, is the fact that their healthy tooth structures can only take so much before they start to wear down, become weak, and in some cases, severely damaged.
Grinding your teeth several times throughout the day may be one hint that you have bruxism, but for some patients, the grinding might not occur until nighttime. In addition to teeth-grinding, other consequences of bruxism can warn you of the condition, including:
When bruxism develops, it can threaten your teeth and oral health in several significant ways. To learn more about how to protect your smile from bruxism, schedule an appointment by calling Peddicord Family Dentistry in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 963-3339. We also proudly serve patients of all ages who live in Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, Cambridge, and all surrounding communities.
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